Wednesday 22 January 2014

Celebrating the New Year.

(I have to apologise for this post being soo so late, I had some issues getting the photos onto it and finally found the iPad app which made everything a lot easier.. So here you go! Enjoy!)

This year for New Years I got to go on a trip to Wellington with my boyfriend. It was decided to be just a nice relaxed low key New Years, I'm not into drinking or partying much and Alex just wanted to enjoy his time off work and be together, as we had to spend christmas apart. So we decided to go on a mini road trip. We couldn't find anywhere we liked to go camping, so Alex came up with the idea of going to Wellington and then catching the kiwi rail train home. The weekend turned out to be so amazing. Just the 2 of us, no plans, no stress, it was great. 

Wellington doesn't have a great deal to offer tourism wise so we didn't have the pressure of using up all of our time to see and do everything and the bad weather we had forced us to stay in doors and just enjoy each other's company which I think was the greatest part of the weekend. Alex and I get along so well and I never feel bored around him even if we are in complete silence, it's comfortable and that's one thing I love about him.

Our first day in wellington was the day where did most of the sight seeing, we couldn't check in to our hotel until 2pm but we had a very early flight, so once we landed in Welli we dropped of our bags at the hotel and went off exploring. 

First off, we got breakfast. I think we had hunted through just about every cafe on the street before finally settling for this one. The pancakes are what sells Alex to any breakfast place. I decided to get the pancakes aswell.

That's them in the picture below..

Needless to say.. It was like eating an entire cake. It was huge! Neither of us even made it to half way through!

After the pancake-cake we went and hunted around Wellington. 
Wellington is known as the city of art, so scattered all around the city are all sorts of sculptures and pieces of art. Alex and I took quite a liking to these and used them to do all sorts of silly poses, it was really quite fun and I highly recommend it ;)

Next we had a look around Te Papa Museum. To be honest I didn't find it to be all that interesting, unless I was in the wrong place.. there wasn't much at all to look at..

With this being New Years Eve, we stayed up late to celebrate, when it got closer to the countdown we went out down the Main Street of Wellington, Courtenay place, we walked the entire street before settling on a club that we liked the look of and we went in, had a drink (non alcoholic for me ofcourse!), had a dance together and did the big ol countdown and had the traditional New Years kiss (my first might I add hehe ) with it being summer in NZ it was rather hot in the club, so we headed back to the hotel not long after midnight.

We didn't do too much over the next couple of days, as the weather wasn't very inviting! :(
So we hung out at the hotel together and went out to watch a movie. 

When the weather did clear up we went on the cable car up to the botanical gardens..

Where we took more photos with lots more silly poses. :) we also had a quick look at the parliament buildings before doing some shopping and then headed back to the hotel for a much needed rest.

The next day was the day this whole trip had been planned for. The KiwiRail train!

This took us from Wellington back home to Auckland and was a glorious 11 hour trip.
New Zealand truly is a beautiful place, I loved every minute of it. All the green hillsides, farms, farm animals. 

There were some stunning viaducts along the way with beautiful rivers, bridges, cliff edges. 

Onboard the train there is a cafe and an open carriage which I think made the whole experience a lot more pleasant. It was great being able to get up and move around as much as we wanted and get some fresh air on the open carriage, we also took our own food on the train and made our own lunches right at our seats. Bliss.

So to wrap it all up, this was an amazing weekend. I loved every minute of it and would gladly do it again. I highly recommend the train trip to everyone, keeping in mind the length if time you will be on the train, if you can handle that you will certainly have an amazing time.

Well that was a rather lengthy blog post!... And a late one considering New Years was like..a month ago.. But hey better late than never right!...right?

Ok ta ta for now! xx

Tuesday 7 January 2014


Hi! Welcome! :)

So this is my very first blog. I'm not quite sure if it's going to have a true theme and be about anything specific yet.. I don't even know if anyone else will even read this blog! But I pretty much just wanted to take the plunge and get my first post up. If you are reading this, thanks for stopping by! I hope you find something somewhere along my journey that you will enjoy. My main purpose for starting a blog is so that I have somewhere to publish things. Whether that is photos or little snippets of my day/week/month that I would like to remember and look back on.

This year I want to get more into my interests, whether that is actually learning them or to just generally do more of it.
So far on my list is to learn more about photography..
My mum is - among many many other things - a really great photographer, so I hope to learn from her expertise this year and learn how to properly use my camera and all it's settings. I have a canon S100.

Next on my list is to learn another language. I already know New Zealand Sign Language fluently so adding a spoken language might also be useful and interesting. My boyfriend is learning German, as he plans to stay in Germany for a year, so I figured it would be cool to learn it along side him.
So far I have started by using the app duolingo and find it quite fun.

Another on my list is to start a you can see I am doing fairly well with my list! The real challenge will be to keep it all going!

I guess that's all for now. I will be back later with more posts possibly an about me post. We shall see!

Bye for now! xx