Wednesday 9 April 2014

About me ~ Vicki Bennett~

So I thought I'd write a little about me. I wasn't quite sure how to do this, whether I write it paragraph style or just answer questions. I had a little read through of other blogs and found that reading a whole block about someone you don't really know, can be rather  tedious.. Plus I find answering random questions a lot more fun. So, that said, I thought I'd do a basic little intro of myself and then get onto answering some questions. :) enjoy!

As you know, my name is Vicki, I am 25 and a qualified New Zealand Sign Language Interpreter.
I have grown up in little ol New Zealand and have lived in Auckland all my life.
The things I love most are my amazing family - my parents and my brothers, my encouraging and supportive friends, my boyfriend Alex and my 2 little dogs. 
I love quad bike riding, hanging out at the beach, travelling and much much more, which I'm sure you'll find out soon enough ;)


1. What’s your favourite drink? I would definitely have to say tea! I am a massive tea addict.. Oops.

2. What would you name your children? I have loved the name Zoe for a very long time, I recently heard the name Zoella and thought that was such a gorgeous variation to the name, so possibly Zoe/Zoella for a girl.
For a boy, this is tough.. I love the name Noah at the moment..I change my mind so often though, so I have no idea what my children's names will end up being!

3. Do you participate in any sports? Currently I do figure skating (on ice) I love it! I feel so free and adventurous. Throughout my life I have been involved in a lot of various sports and activities, such as gymnastics (my ultimate fav!!) and all kinds of difference dance styles, ballet, hip hop, salsa. I have so much fun.

4. Favourite Animal? Rabbits! I am absolutely crazy about them!! I have had 2 bunnies which I absolutely adored. I will post a photo of them. I am a huuuge animal lover, especially anything cute and little and teacup sized ;) (one of our dogs is a miniature daschund)

This is my rabbit Peter. The sweetest pet ever. <3

5. Favourite perfume?i am a perfume fanatic, I try to change it every day, but currently I am loving Taylor Swift Wonderstruck and Brittany spears Midnight fantasy. I may do a review of my perfumes in another blog post.

6. Have you graduated High School? Yep, I left school in 2006! Feels so long ago. Although it had it's ups and downs, I really do miss it now and would love to go back and do it all again, possibly changing.. Or shall we say, improving.. a few things. ;)

7. Have you been out of the Country? I sure have! I love traveling! I have been to many different parts of Australia, Thailand and Singapore. This year I hope to visit the U.K and the US

8. Do you speak any other Languages? I do! I know Sign Language - only the New Zealand one, it is different in each country, but England and Australia a fairly similar to NZ. This year I would like to try and learn French or German.

9. Favourite Movie? I loooove the old classics such as Dirty Dancing (my absolute all time fav!) The Notebook, Pretty Woman. The Holiday. Probably the most recent movie I can think of that I really liked was The Vow, but there are so many I enjoy watching it is hard to choose. So I will stick to the old ones that I could just watch over and over.

10. Favourite Tv show? I'm not a huuuge tv viewer, I'm one of those that gets the whole series and then watches them. Ever since I was little though, I have been a devoted viewer of Home and Away (an Australian soap), I also love Friends, Suits and Switched and Birth.

11. How tall are you? I'm a teeny little thing of 5'1! I like to THINK I taller though and take on anyone who try's to be cheeky about it :P

So there you go! Just a little (ok kind of looks like a lot..) about me! Feel free to ask me any other questions and I will be glad to answer :)

Bye for now! xx

Wednesday 2 April 2014

Blogging *ahem...*

I'm really terrible at this blogging business aren't I.. I think I'm going to need to come up with some pre planned ideas to get myself really into it and possibly start making more of an effort to document  and upload my more interesting outings! The more I think about them, the more I realised I could have blogged. Oh well, maybe from now I will start to make more of an effort.. Or atleast try! :)