Saturday 9 August 2014

Lush Review | Rose Jam Bubbleroon and Twilight Bath Bomb

Hello again!
Today I'm going to do another Lush review. I went on a little Lush spree when I went to Nelson and bought all of the delish items above!

 I decided I wont review them all in one go as that will take me forever to actually get around to using them all up. 
So what I will do, is I will just do a review each time I use them. I don't have baths often so it may take a while to get through them all. But today I do have 2 to review! So enjoy! :)

The lovely girl at Lush gave me a Lush Ballistic, Pillar of Fizz tube for free! I think it was because I had bought 3 bath bombs in one go? Or just so many items? Not entirely sure why I got it for free. 

When I got it, I thought, ew that's a bit ugly, I probably won't be using that!
Howwwever, I did end up putting my bath bombs in it to try and it has actually come in handy.

The Pillar of Fizz is meant to protect your bath bombs from being damaged by the steam in the bathroom, Obviously, if they aren't stored away properly they will start to dissolve a bit over time from the moister and things, so storing them in the tube keeps them nice and dry and away from moisture! And it is a lot tidier keeping them in the tube rather than having paper bags everywhere. 

You can only fit about 3 bath bombs in there, so keep that in mind when you are purchasing them, try and stick to 3 or less at a time if you're planning on using the tube. :)

In the bath I like to have something to watch or read otherwise I get super bored and don't last any more than 30 minutes.
I got out my laptop, an old fav movie that I hadn't seen in years, Sound of Music and had a nice relaxing time. The movie was something like 2 and half hours? I definitely didn't get through the whole thing, only about half maybe. 

I removed my make up using the Body Shops Camomile Cleansing Butter.

This product is amaaazing! I will do a review on that soon :) I want to make sure I've really used it a lot before I do a review.

Rose Jam Bubbleroon and Twilight 

Twilight     $6.70 nzd 

I was super excited for this one, I was told that inside it had some blue that comes out when it's fizzing! Soo cool.
The scent is so nice! It's quite subtle and sweet. It sort of reminded me of fizzy lollies (candy) or sherbet.
deeeeelicious! I just wanted to eat it!
I took some pictures of the progress of is fizzing away in the bath. 

So from other reviews I've read and heard about this bath bomb, I expected the bath water to turn this amazing vibrant pink colour! 
Especially since  it was throwing out a lovely dark pink during the dissolving process. 
It actually just turned out to be more of a baby pink type of colour.

It doesn't show much in the pictures, but we do actually have a big bath, it is quite deep and long so given the amount of water it takes to fill the bath even just half way, that could be why I got quite a diluted colour? :(

The water was left smelling so yummy and sweet. My skin felt sooo soft and supple and moisturised too which was great! I hate getting out of the bath and my skin is left feeling dry and tight and horrible. So that was a real bonus.

Rose Jam Bubbleroon     $8.50 nzd

I bought this one a little while ago as I mentioned in a previous blog review, it smelt soo gorgeous!

 It was an amazing rose scent and just filled the room, I didn't find it over powering which was good, it was seriously delicious.

So with a bubble bath, you break bits off it and crumble it under the running water to activate the bubbles.
I have heard a lot of people saying they used half of the bubbleroon for one bath and saved the rest for another time. I tried to do that too, however half of it didn't produce many bubbles at all so I used the whole thing.

As you can see there isn't a huge amount of bubbles. I like my bubbles to be all piled up high in little mountains that you can hide under and feel more dignified and not feel like everything is all being shown off to the world ;) (yes the door is closed..but you know how a girl thinks.. or maybe just me..)

So for me I wasn't satisfied with the amount of bubbles I got from using an entire bubble bar considering some people can get 2 or 3 uses out of theirs, it was just a thin layer along the top of the water surface and didn't last very long either before they had all popped. 

Again, I'm not sure if it was because of the size of our bath and amount of water, or if this is really just how it's meant to be, but I think if I were to purchase the bubbleroon again, it would purely be for the scent rather than the bubbles... Big kid at heart! :)

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